How do you break the cycle of generational poverty? It takes a courageous and proven model.

Impacting generational change by empowering youth who are facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors.

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One Child. One Friend. 12+ Years, No Matter What.

Impacting generational change by empowering youth who are facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors.

Mentoring as a Pathway to a Brighter Future
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Friends of the Children - Western Montana 2023 Annual Report


We select children who face multiple systemic obstacles. We amplify their voices as they write their own stories of hope and resilience.


We commit to each child for the long-term. 12+ years, no matter what. Each child is paired with a paid professional mentor called a Friend.

Our Outcomes

of youth go on to enroll in post-secondary education, serve our country or enter the workforce.
of youth earn a high school diploma or a GED.
of youth remain free from juvenile justice system involvement.
of youth wait to parent until after their teen years.


Friends - Western Montana Land Acknowledgement

Friends of the Children - Western Montana acknowledges that our organization operates on the ancestral homelands of the Salish, Qlispe, Ksanka, and other Indigenous peoples. We celebrate the strength and resiliency of Indigenous peoples to preserve their culture, language, and heritage despite the devastating impacts of colonization on tribal sovereignty. With this acknowledgement, we commit to invest in loving and healing relationships with children and families with the recognition that these relationships must be built on trust, cultural competency, and within an anti-oppression framework.